
Hearing God’s Voice in Unlikely Places

Jeremy shares his experiences from the Nashville mission trip: 
My expectations of God, life, poverty and myself have all been
blown to pieces this week.  I’m still not sure what I expected coming to
Nashville, but this was certainly not it. 

I came to a new understanding of God this week in the realization that
the more I think I’ve come to know about Jesus the more I understand I
have absolutely no idea.  I heard God speak to me this week… in both
clear and nondescript ways.
One of the ways I came to experience God in
an incredible way was through a man we met named John.  He told us
about how he has spent his life being a “stoner” in his words.  He told
us that Jesus spoke to him that morning. Teary-eyed, he explained to us
that “the Host of Hosts called me his today; He called me home.”
was an incredible experience hearing God’s voice spoken through him and
into my own life.

My own experience, while not as dramatic as John’s was deeply moving and
exciting. I got to spend time in prayer, asking the Lord what he wanted
me to do here in Nashville, and all I kept hearing was “rebel” over and
over again. 
After some prayer with the group, we ended up going down on
Broadway and spent the evening singing, hanging out and worshipping
along with asking passersby for prayer requests. 
This was truly an
incredible night of answered prayers and kingdom-come worship and