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At Adventures In Missions, we believe that every person has a unique call to serve others and spread love and hope to the world. Our blog is just one of the ways we’re sharing that message and encouraging others to join us on this mission.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our blog and for your support of Adventures In Missions. We look forward to connecting with you and continuing this journey together.

July 22, 2010
During our last ATL (Ask the Lord), one of our Jr. High girls received a vision from God about the McDonald’s Golden Arch. She didn’t see the building, nor did she see any words, just the Arch. We really did not think too much about it because there was such little detail to the vision and McDonald’s really was not part of our plan for the day.   The afternoon we headed back to Centennial Park in Nashville for an afternoon prayer walk. We had been to this park the previous two days for various ministry opportunities. As soon as we stepped out of the van one of the kids shouts out, “Look! It’s a McDonald’s!” We all looked over and saw what she was talking about.   This McDonald’s had been there all week and we had not paid any attention to it. The park pavilion…
July 20, 2010
On Monday, we went to the nursing home. We did a skit for the residents there. The skit was about the peer pressures and temptations that we go through growing up. The residents really enjoyed it.   We then went around the nursing home and visited with random people.I had a nice conversation for about 45 minutes with a man named Billie Joe. He told me about his life.   Later that day we did ATL’s (“Ask the Lord”) and we all sat seperately with our Bibles and asked God to tell us where to go. I got a picture of an African-american toddler with a ponytail in her hair and a little dress on and she was holding someone’s hand.   Later on we went to the fellowship hall and we helped get meals ready to hand out for the homeless for dinner. There were many people w…
July 6, 2010
The groups arrived safe and sound on Sunday! This group is phenomenal and have had such great attitudes. Yesterday morning we had a listening prayer teaching as well orientation. In the afternoon we ministered in a park. A crowd was drawn in by a table of evangelism magic. Almost 70-80 people! Near the end of the afternoon we witnessed several salvation decisions! The teams let everyone know they were giving out free bracelets too! They made 100s right in front of the kids. As they made them they used the beads to explain the salvation story! Today we’re working at a warehouse where stuff has been stored from flooded homes. So today will be cleaning, organizing, painting etc… busy service day today! Also, we’ve been invited by a church member who has a pool to enjoy…
June 26, 2010
June 20th-25th This week in Nashville God moved in a way that is so brilliant that it can only be attributed to a God as beautiful as ours. A wonderful group from Ochechobee Florida arrived on June 20th and stayed in a Nashville suburb, Smyrna. During the week we served at various locations; Nashville Rescue Mission, Thompson Station Church, La Vergne High School, People Loving Nashville, and the Downtown War Memorial. At these locations we were faced with the decay that encroaches on God’s amazing design.   As the days went on it was wonderful to see how the homeless population was ministered to. My Ochechobee friends started opening up and relating to people that come from such a vast and different background than the ones that they are accustomed to. It seems as though from the…
May 10, 2010
Listening prayer is an essential part of any mission trip that Adventures In Missions offers. On the field, we teach you how to hear God’s voice and practically apply it in a ministry setting.   Here is one participant explaining how that worked with his group:
May 8, 2010
One of our participants Jeremy shares a funny story from an “Ask-the-Lord” exercise the team did during their spring break mission trip to Nashville. Here’s the video:
May 7, 2010
On any AIM mission trip, worship is an essential element to keeping the group focused and re-energizing them after a long day of work and service.   One evening during our last mission trip in Nashville, the trip leaders turned the worship portion of the evening over to the group. Here is a clip of the college group leading one another in praise and worship:  
May 7, 2010
An enormous storm hit Nashville last week and caused massive flooding in the area. It’s said to be the worst flood in middle Tennessee in the past 500 years.   A week later, the community is still recovering.   It rained nearly 14 inches, which is over a quarter of the annual rainfall, in two days. The Cumberland River flooded, homes were ruined, families had to be evacuated by boat in some areas, and many businesses were shut down due to water damage.   While the waters subsided in most places after the rain relented on Sunday evening, there was still more flooding the following day due to the river swelling.   Most schools were canceled for the week, but now life is beginning to return to relative normalcy… for some. Businesses are re-opening, people…
March 31, 2010
Phil explains what an “ATL” (Ask the Lord) looks like on a mission trip, an important element of every AIM project:
March 30, 2010
It’s been nearly three weeks since our group left Nashville. The high has surely worn away, and reality has settled into it’s normal spot in our lives. But what lives is something that none of us expected to receive. I, for one, walked into the church that first Sunday evening completely naive to idea of “mission work”. I assumed we’d feed a few homeless people, pick up some trash on the street, maybe pray a little bit and then be on our way. But what followed our arrival would certainly leave a huge impact on my life. Through ATL (Ask The Lord) Walks, countless hours organizing shelves, and even Line Dancing, I found myself growing closer and closer to Christ. I remember praying one morning and feeling this incredibly, warm feeling come across me. I listened to the sound…

